Welcome Back, Bees 2023-24! By September 22, 2023 Share Page The morning began with a Welcome Walk with the Principal Mrs. Hunstad and PE teacher Mr. Johnson. The morning began with a Welcome Walk with the Principal Mrs. Hunstad and PE teacher Mr. Johnson. Welcome walk with 3rd grade teacher Ms. Williams and literacy coach Ms. Tingler. Welcome walk with 3rd grade teacher Ms. Williams and literacy coach Ms. Tingler. Welcome walk with 5th grade teacher Mr. Hernandez. Welcome walk with 5th grade teacher Mr. Hernandez. Families were greeted by teachers at our Back to School Bash and Open House. Families were greeted by teachers at our Back to School Bash and Open House. Getting the translation headsets ready. Getting the translation headsets ready. Happy to see familiar faces. Happy to see familiar faces. Parents and students in the classroom at Back to School Bash. Parents and students in the classroom at Back to School Bash. Back to School Bash in the classroom. Back to School Bash in the classroom. The school was sparkling and the teachers were ready to welcome our students for the first day back. The school was sparkling and the teachers were ready to welcome our students for the first day back. The Herndon police welcomed and cheered our students as they entered the school. The Herndon police welcomed and cheered our students as they entered the school. Some families dropped their children off for the 1st day of school. Some families dropped their children off for the 1st day of school. They are ready to begin! They are ready to begin! Counselor, Ms. Bryant, gives a warm welcome. Counselor, Ms. Bryant, gives a warm welcome. Students are fully engaged in their lessons. Students are fully engaged in their lessons. First week of school selfie! First week of school selfie! PreviousNext