Meet our administrative team

Bottom Row: Elizabeth Scheurer and Jennifer Skerker
Gregory Brotemarkle
Greg Brotemarkle is a veteran educator and administrator with over 25 years of experience in FCPS. He has served as a school-based administrator for the last 13 years, most recently as principal of Waples Mill ES and Terra Centre ES. During his time at Terra Centre ES, Mr. Brotemarkle led the school community through a full building renovation. He values collaboration and strong relationships, and he’s excited to be part of the Herndon ES Team!
Mr. Brotemarkle received both his bachelor’s and master’s degree from George Mason University. He enjoys playing baseball and golf and hanging out with his wife, two sons, and their new dog “Rudy”.
Elizabeth Baxter
Ms. Baxter is a product of Fairfax County Public Schools. She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from George Mason University. This is her twelfth year working in Fairfax County, where she has taught 1st and 3rd grade before becoming an Assistant Principal here at Herndon.
Elizabeth Scheurer
Elizabeth Scheurer has 14 years of experience in Fairfax County Public Schools. She has served Franconia ES as a School Based Technology Specialist since 2015. In her time at Franconia ES, she also served as a math specialist. Before Franconia, Mrs. Scheurer was a classroom teacher at Mason Crest ES and Westbriar ES.
Mrs. Scheurer earned her Administration and Supervision Certification through an accelerated certification cohort with Fairfax County Public Schools and the University of Virginia. She holds a Master of Education in Integrating Technology in Schools from George Mason University. Additionally, she has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with concentrations in math and science from Radford University.
Jennifer Skerker
Mrs. Skerker is a proud graduate of Fairfax County Public Schools. She attended James Madison University for her undergraduate degree and George Mason University for her graduate degree. With over 20 years of experience as an educator in FCPS, she has served as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, and most recently as an assistant principal at Union Mill ES for the past 6 years. On the weekends she enjoys going on walks with her husband and their dog Rumble, and watching her daughters play basketball and volleyball. Mrs. Skerker is thrilled to join the Herndon ES community.
Office Staff
- Office Assistant
- Administrative - School Finance Assistant
- Office Assistant
- Office Assistant
- Office Assistant
- Student Information Assistant I