Herndon ES Portrait of a Graduate and Positivity Project Video Series

May 01, 2020

June 9-11 - This final week in the Portrait of a Graduate video series, celebrate YOU with Hooray for you with Ms. Bryant, Mission to Mars 3 with Mr. McHenry, and watch the final PoG video and a goodbye from your Specialists!

June 1-4 - This week Mr. Falkey, Ms. Bryant, and Mr. McHenry demonstrate humor, make a time capsule with Mr. O, learn about point of view in ILab with Mrs. Kwon, and Mission Mars 2 with Mr. McHenry.

May 25-28 - In this week’s Portrait of a Graduate and Positivity Project Video Series, PE teacher Ms. Pualoa and Nemo show why water is important, there is Collaborating with Ms. Sarah, Designing a Paintbrush with Ms. McDonald, and Mission Mars 1 with Mr. McHenry.

May 18 - 21 - This week, Counselors, Mr. Falkey and Ms. Bryant encouraged students to create their own superhero using the Positivity Project character traits that they have learned this year.  STEAM teacher, Mr. McHenry read the book, The Thing Lou Couldn't Do,  for K-2 students and talked about how to become goal-directed and resilient using the engineering process with grades 3-6.  iLab teacher, Mrs. Kwon, showed how to make goals like Barcelona soccer player Messi and librarian, Ms. Sarah, explained how goal setting can help with self care.   

May 11-14 - In this week’s Portrait of a Graduate and Positivity Project Video Series, HES librarian Ms. Sarah has Creative and Critical Thinking  for grades K-2 and Celebrating your Hero for grades 3-6.  Art teacher Mr. Henry has a Global Hero Project and Mrs. Kwon demonstrates "encapsulation" in iLab.  Counselors Ms. Bryant and Mr. Falkey end the week with Herndon's First Virtual Career Day.  

April 27-30 - In this week’s Portrait of a Graduate and Positivity Project Video Series, Ms. Richardson and Ms. Kwon talk about the benefits of questioning, Mr. McHenry challenges students to come up with a Corona Invention in STEAM, and Mr. Falkey teaches the importance of perseverance and not giving up!